Keeping Real Estate Real in Northwest Tasmania:

Burnie, Penguin, Ulverstone, West Ulverstone, Turners Beach, Forth, Devonport.

An Insider's view of the Local Property Market AND MORE!

Listen in on Thursdays around 11.20am, with Lee Dixon on 7AD/7BU, when Craig shares his wealth of Real Estate knowledge over 22 years of property marketing, negotiation and transactions.

Listen to all episodes below...


What's REALLY happening in today's North West Tasmanian property market?

Real Estate terminology. What and who is 'the market' when we talk about property in North West Tasmania?



What's the difference between a Buyer's and Seller's Market? Which one have we got on the Northwest Coast of Tasmania.



The Six Simple Steps to Sales Success. How to sell your home in the Northwest Tasmanian Property Market.

How do buyers find their next property? No matter if its Ulverstone, Penguin, Devonport...the Real Estate rules apply everywhere.

What DOES it cost to sell your home on the Northwest Coast of Tasmania?

Who is looking and buying property in the NorthWest of Tasmania? You might be surprised. Also, what is the M A N principle?

Craig dispels the myths and misconceptions of selling or buying a home by way of Auction. There is more than one way to sell your home on the Northwest of Tasmania!

Nothing happens in Real Estate until someone makes an offer. Then what? Listen in while Craig shares The Anatomy of a Contract.

Who do Real Estate Agents work for? If you are selling your home in Ulverstone, Devonport, Burnie...anywhere on the NorthWest Coast, this episode will go a long way to help you pick the right Agent.


What is a home seller's biggest gripe? Whether you are selling on Tassie's Northwest Coast or anywhere in Australia, Real Estate Agents still manage the 'Feedback Fumble' (6 mins)

"Help!! Our house hasn't sold! What do we do?" There is always a remedy, to attract genuine buyers. Never be afraid to adjust your sale strategy. Real Estate is a fluid game (7 mins)

Having conducted over 9,000 open homes and inspections, Craig reveals the Top 5 Questions that property buyers ask. From Ulverstone to Umina, Penguin to Port Pirie, Devonport to Dalby...buyers have been asking the same questions for the last 21 years! (5 mins)

Craig reveals Part 2 of the 5 Most Asked Property Buyer Questions. Keeping Real Estate Real! What do you think the questions are? (5 mins)


 Craig talks about vendor (home seller) JUSTifications. The two most verbalised statements during the home selling process that keep Real Estate Agent's somewhere between on their toes and in sheer terror. Have you heard or said either or both of them? (5 mins)

The BIG Real Estate Question: Is your first offer generally the best offer?
This is a 5-minute cautionary tale that no prospective or current home seller can afford to miss - listen in now to Part 1. (5:30mins)

Part 2 - The Grizzly Tales of The Offer That Got Away. Another cautionary tale that no home seller can afford to miss. This IS about keeping real estate real! (5:20)


When it comes to selling anything, and in this case property, are we selling the actual sausage or the sizzle? Are buyers attracted by features or benefits? Which is the dominant driver - logic or emotion? If you are selling or buying a property, make sure you listen to this. (5:20)

In this episode, Craig talks about an almost forgotten segment of the property market - First Time SELLERS. What does someone selling a home for the first time need to look out for and consider before hitting the market? If you are thinking of selling your home in the Ulverstone area, this is worth a listen. (6:20)

What are the two BIGGEST deal killers in Real Estate? Hint: They are members of the Seven Deadly Sins!  Keeping emotions in check is one of the greatest advantages when it comes to selling your home.

Yes, Real Estate is a serious business - we are dealing with someone's biggest asset and, at times, high emotions. But sometimes humorous situations arise, and they are worth sharing! (5:26)

How long does it take property prices to double? Is every 7 -10 years an urban myth which has attached itself to the Real Estate Market? Does Tasmania have its own time period? Prepare to be surprised!

In this two-part offering, Craig shares his experience with the delicate processes of dealing with Estate sales - Part 1. The loss of a loved one is an emotional time, so Craig offers some first-hand insights on how to navigate this family property transaction.


In this two-part offering, Craig shares his experience with the delicate processes of dealing with Estate sales - Part 2. Here Craig discusses the 'How to' portion dealing with a loved one's Estate - selling the family home.

**Hold onto your hats**
Some buyers will have you think that the sky is about to fall in and property prices are plummeting.
Sadly, for the market Bears, data and genuine buyer behaviour indicate a stable property market for a while yet. (8:55)
What do you think?

Today, Craig and Lee discuss the critical importance of presenting your home for sale to impress buyers and maximise your sale price. When you get this right, real estate becomes a whole lot easier. Craig provides some great tips for anyone prepping to sell their home.  (6:19)

Rule number one of Real Estate: Buyers follow property, not agents Rule number two: No agent owns a buyer, trying to control buyers is like trying to herd cats. Rule number three: You cannot sell a secret! In this market you need to be aggressive and get in front of as many potential buyers as possible. Craig shares what you need to do so you don't sit on the shelf when selling your home.

Urban Myths surrounding real estate still exist - especially in regard to the sale process. In Part 1 Craig shares Myths 1 -3: * Agents own all the buyers * The fear of underselling * "I'm not in a hurry to sell."

Urban Myths surrounding real estate still exist - especially in regard to the sale process. In Part 2 Craig shares Myths 4-6: *If I update, buyers won't like it *My home is unique *No one came to the open home because... (5:20)

(6:14) How do you rate yourself as a negotiator? Sadly, most people either leave money on the table, make a deal way harder than it should be or blow the deal up. Craig shares some of his highly successful negotiation techniques that you can use in nearly any situation in life, especially during real estate transactions.

(6:00) As buyers become more value driven in an evolving market, they also have become more vigilant about the condition and integrity of the home or property they are interested in buying. Most buyers will now ask for a qualified building inspection and proof of the compliance relating to any works or renovations carried out previously. Craig shares some very important information for homeowners in this episode.

(6:40) Today, Craig does a deep dive into the numbers that tell a story about the current property market in Tasmania's Northwest. Listen in, there might be few surprises.

(6:09) Could it be 'Advantage Home Buyers' in the real estate market for the next few months, at least? (Oct '23 to Jan '24): Craig has some very interesting information that potential buyers and current sellers need to hear.

(6:40) What are the 5 BIGGEST pricing mistakes that home sellers make? Listen in and find out - also how to avoid them!

(7.40) You're thinking of selling. Time to call in some agents. What should you ask them? "If only there were a list of questions I could ask that would help me choose the right one!" Listen in. Craig is about to share them with you and Lee.

(7.22) IT appears buyers have re-emerged to put their toes back in the water, and a good portion of them are first home buyers. Sadly, many that Craig meets are under prepared or simply not sure how to proceed with a purchase. Listen in while Craig shares some simple and effective tips for First Home Buyers.

(6:48) Ever heard of the former Real Estate company Purple Bricks? They were a prime example of many who have tried, and sadly failed, to re-invent the property sales wheel. Craig discusses the Crumbling of Purple Bricks, what the best was to sell a home actually is and he has a great giveaway at the end.

What IS the dirtiest FOUR LETTER WORD in real estate? If you have sold a home, or selling, chances are your agent may have used it.

(7:16) Hiring an Agent to sell your biggest asset, your home, is like a courtship and a marriage. It's a relationship built on trust and common goals. What happens if the 'feels' wane and expectations are not being met? Can you break up with your Agent? Craig puts on his 'Dr.Phil' hat and offers come counselling advice.

(8:47) Everyone thinks they know something or everything about real estate - yet have never worked in property marketing or sales. So, when you need solid, no BS real estate advice, where do you go? The cafe' owner, your lawn/garden person, the Vet, a Concreter..? Here is a cautionary tale of why you should stick with 'horses for courses'.

(11:16) What's real estate all about? We get absorbed by the numbers, prices, volumes, market 'conditions'... But when it is all boiled down it's about the people who are the market players. Their fears, concerns, confidence, behaviours, traits - and the agents who help these people get where they to want to be. Craig dives a bit deeper into the psychology of real estate and finishes off with some local stats which may surprise you. Keeping Real Estate Real here on Tasmania's Northwest Coast.

(5:40) Local Government, Civic Leadership, Developers, Planners, Builders and Real Estate Agents are coming together to take a measured approach to housing the growing population of Tasmania, particularly in the Northwest. Craig shares some observations from his participation in the recent Property Industry Roundtable hosted by Tasmania's Central Coast Council.

(6:47) There is more than one way to display a price for a home or property, but the most frustrating and repelling way, in my books, is to have no price at all. Do you prefer to see a price or price guide on a listing? Keeping Real Estate Real on Tasmania's Northwest Coast.

(10:30) What's in store for 2024? Property, The Economy, Socially, Politically? They are all related in some way. Craig dusts of and fires up his trusty crystal ball to give us a heads up on what to expect in 2024. What do you think are the challenges and opportunities ahead? Keeping Real Estate Real in Tasmania's Northwest

(9:40) When it's time to move, some property buyers in Tasmania, and in my past experience, Queensland, try to secure their next home under what is called a 'Subject to Sale' Clause. This means that in order for them to proceed on the purchase, they have to sell their current home first. Here I discuss the risks and likely outcomes of a property transaction under this condition.

(9:00)The Real Estate numbers for Tasmania's Northwest Coast have thrown up a couple of surprises. Listen in to find out how the larger centres of Burnie, Penguin, West Ulverstone, Ulverstone, Turners Beach and Devonport are faring early in 2024.

(7:26) With well over 30% of Central Coast Tasmania's population heading into the 60+ age bracket, many of them are considering downsizing from their larger homes. Here Craig discusses how to plan for such a move and what it is likely to cost. Keeping Real Estate Real.

(8:14) Property Valuations, Evaluations and Appraisals.

What's the difference between the three? In Part 1 Craig explains that an evaluation and an appraisal are basically the same thing. Listen in, what is the true purpose of an appraisal? Keeping real estate in Ulverstone and surrounds real!

Property Valuations, Evaluations and Appraisals
(7:15) What's the difference between the three? In Part 2 Craig explains the ins and outs of valuations. Who carries them out, and what are they for? Keeping real estate in Ulverstone and surrounds real!

(7:38) What happens if more than one buyer is interested in your property? Can your Agent start running a 'Dutch' Auction if the property is being sold under 'Private Treaty' conditions? Are there strict protocols to observe to make the process fair for buyers? There is a clear course of action agents need to take when a multiple offer situation arises, when you are selling your home in Ulverstone, West Ulverstone, Penguin, Turners Beach...

(8.45) Cop to Successful Real Estate Agent? Yep. Craig shares his shortened  version of how he went from NSW Detective to Tassie Real Estate Agent.

(7:26) It's a sign! Are real estate signs designed to attract buyers or promote the agent? Interesting topic...and Craig covers it in this episode of A Peek Inside. Keeping Real Estate Real in Ulverstone, West Ulverstone, Penguin, Turners Beach and beyond.

(7:52) Craig was recently hired by a couple who wanted to buy a home that was going to Auction in Ulverstone. They were a little concerned about the process, so Craig bid on their behalf and got the property for them, at a price they were prepared to pay! Auctions are a great way to sell and buy - so listen in to how this one panned out.

(6:55) When selling your home would you prefer to hear what the agent thinks you want to hear or what you really need to hear? Fear of getting a client (homeowner) offside is a real for agents, because we know selling a home is, and can be, an emotional rollercoaster. But if the sale has stalled, buyers are not responding or giving feedback that may not impress the sellers - what does the agent do? Simple; tell the truth - have 'The Conversation' and work out what needs to happen to get the job done!

(7:28) A Short Break From Real Estate. Let's Get Philosophical. The cycle of life continually turns. Meaningful relationships and connection to community help us lead a fulfilling life and can assist in longevity. What brings you joy? What stops you from doing it more often? Keeping Real Estate, and Life, Real.


 (8:03) What do the stats tell us about the property market in Northwest Tasmania for the first quarter of 2024? Craig shares the mostly ups and few downs that tell us how the local Real Estate Market is performing.

Keeping Real Estate Real in Ulverstone and the Greater Northwest of Tasmania.

(5.55) When selling a home, owners usually have any number of questions for an agent concerning preparation, processes, market conditions and likely outcome? Interestingly a solid proportion of homeowners default straight to "I know" when their questions are being answered. Then why did you ask? As a veteran agent, Craig sees this as an opportunity for homeowners to be better prepared for the sale journey.


(10:47) A slight detour from Real Estate...We all live our lives differently. Some of us live it deliberately, others on autopilot. Some let it happen, others make it happen. For me, life has been about learning, growth and how I relate to other people and them to me. How can I help others to be better, stronger, wiser - more prepared? Here are a few rules that I have learned, developed, and practiced Part 1

(6:53) Take it from me, friends/relatives and business aren't the best mix, despite all the best intentions. Same goes for real estate and property matters. Here, I share a cautionary tale and how to avoid tears before bedtime.

Selling across the Northwest; Ulverstone, West Ulverstone, Penguin, Turners Beach, Devonport

(7.33) Every moment, from when you had the photos taken, had buyers coming through, to agreeing on a deal, comes down to 'Settlement Day'. Money changes hands and you are handing the keys over to the new owner! After all that a seller and a buyer have been through, do everything you can to avoid any hiccups on Settlement Day. Craig explains in more detail..

Selling across the Northwest; Ulverstone, West Ulverstone, Penguin, Turners Beach, Devonport.

(7:28) Having properties to sell, listings, is the life blood of any agent. But do some agents stretch themselves too thin and struggle to service ALL their clients? Craig discusses what homeowners need to look out for when choosing the right agent to represent their sale.

Selling across the Northwest; Ulverstone, West Ulverstone, Penguin, Turners Beach, Devonport

(6:39) Will they? Won't They? The RBA was priming Aussies for a not-so-friendly move. This episode was recorded a few weeks back, and it looks like Craig's crystal ball was firing on all cylinders as to what the RBA would do. Was he right? Listen in. Keeping Real Estate Real.

Selling across the Northwest; Ulverstone, West Ulverstone, Penguin, Turners Beach, Devonport

(8:37) When the time comes to price your home or property for sale, knowing the difference between what a comparison is, and competition, is vital. One holds far more weight when it comes to determining whether you price your home to attract or repel buyers. Find out as Craig explains this important element of the sale process. BONUS: Also, Craig shares which Cities, Worldwide, are the most expensive or unaffordable.

Selling across the Northwest; Ulverstone, West Ulverstone, Penguin, Turners Beach, Devonport

(9:17) Steady as she goes! The numbers show a relatively even market for Tasmania's North West - mid way through 2024. You'll never guess which area performed best for this quarter?! Listen in to find out.

Proudly Serving: Ulverstone, West Ulverstone, Penguin, Turners Beach, Devonport.

(5:20) All markets are at the mercy of human emotion. They go up, down and sideways based on two basic, yet powerful human emotions - Fear and Greed. In our current Real Estate Cycle, what date did we go from Greedy to somewhat Fearful? There is a specific date the property market went from red hot to an even keel. And why did that happen?

Proudly Serving: Ulverstone, West Ulverstone, Penguin, Turners Beach, Devonport.

(6:31) How much money would you be prepared to burn to chase a deal that has no guarantee to end the way you hoped it might? $5,000? $10,000? $100,000? Buckle up for this one. How does a cash 'bonfire' sound to you?

Proudly Serving: Ulverstone, West Ulverstone, Penguin, Turners Beach, Devonport.

(7:15) What does a Real Estate Agent get up to on a daily basis - in between sipping lattes and chatting on their mobile phone ;) ? Jokes aside - it's all about being organised, prepared for the unexpected and being focused on the clients' expectations. Take a 'Peek Inside' to one of Craig and Karen's working days.

Proudly Serving: Ulverstone, West Ulverstone, Penguin, Turners Beach, Devonport.

(6:47) When do you know if you have priced your home to attract buyers? As soon as they pounce - like a seagull on a chip. Buyers search (hunt) alone, but they act as one collective beast when your home hits attractive market value (AMV). Always price your home to sell from the get-go.

Proudly Serving: Ulverstone, West Ulverstone, Penguin, Turners Beach, Devonport.

(5:01) You've agreed on a price. The contract is all signed up and dated. Settlement day is locked in. most buyers should, they have inserted a Building Inspection clause to make sure the integrity and condition of your home is as it should be. Will your home be up to scratch? The entire deal can hinge on this one inspection.

Proudly Serving: Ulverstone, West Ulverstone, Penguin, Turners Beach, Devonport.

(5:49) The Due Diligence Clause has its place in some real estate transactions to protect the interests of certain types of buyers. But is it necessary for 'bread and butter' transactions of stand-alone dwellings on suburban blocks of land? Craig discusses this in more detail and explains what to look out for if your buyer(s) ask to insert a DD clause into their contract.

Proudly Serving: Ulverstone, West Ulverstone, Penguin, Turners Beach, Devonport.